Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Notes from the quarry

With the arrival of autumn, and September drawing to a close, we have tidings to share.  Some are routine, some aren't, and a couple absolutely amaze us.

As every member knows, this time of year Masonic organizations send reminders about dues.  That can be a little overwhelming, depending on how many memberships are involved. It also leads to mental fatigue, as one loses track of which ones have already been paid.  The Grand Secretary's office alerted us to an unusual "fly in the ointment", whatever that is.  For reasons unknown, Grand Lodge has been experiencing delivery issues for email addresses that end with "".  Techies will recognize that represents a Spectrum email account.  For some reason, their firewall doesn't let emails generated from Grand Lodge to be sent to the recipient.  This is not intended to bad-mouth Spectrum, as their firewall is doing what it is designed to do: protect their customers.  However, it does reinforce the need to check one's Grand View account frequently.  That will keep you up to date on communications from the Lodge, District, and Grand Lodge.

Speaking of Grand View, a new version of it will be "live" soon.  It has been in beta testing for a while, but version 2.0 is expected to be implemented within the next month.  Will it look the same?  No.  Will it do the same things it used to?  Yes, and more.  Having been part of the beta test group, rest assured that the learning curve is minimal.  You might even find topics and information that previously were unavailable.

Frequent readers may recall that the 15th District web presence has had significant issues.  Those date back over a year, and have been the topic of many conversations.  Confounding the situation was loss of the domain name.  Our District President stepped up and took on this project.  Due to his efforts, it has been recreated under a different domain name.  Don't worry about being confused by the jargon.  Just click on the link on the left and you will see the results of his efforts.  Yes, it is a work in progress, but what amazing progress!

The last bit of news to share is about our 2024-25 FC Inspection.  Our date is Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 7:30pm, which is a regular meeting night.  It will be held in La Rue, but additional specific details (dinner, Inspecting Officer, etc.) aren't available at this time.   

That brings us up to date for now.  Check back often, as we never know when additional information might come our way.

See you in Lodge!

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