Wednesday, April 24, 2024

We passed!

That is the best news that can come following a District Inspection.  And like every other headline, there is a story behind it.

Originally scheduled for mid-February, our DDGM, RWB Don Broadwater, permitted us to reschedule due to several factors.  Chief among them was absence of officers for that particular date.  Prior travel commitments were one factor, and unforeseen medical issues among our officers were another.  Thankfully for us, we were allowed to postpone until mid-April.  Sadly, as that date neared RWB Broadwater experienced significant health issues of his own, and was unable to preside over Inspection.  RWB Scott Zwiezinski came to the rescue, allowing the evening to proceed.

The evening began with a light meal, prepared by RWB Greg Markley.  We adjourned to the meeting room, with 20 members in attendance.  Of those, one was a 50-year member, one was a 60-year member, and both were from La Rue Lodge.  With only routine hiccups (i.e., one member choking on candy) the balance of the evening went smoothly.  The efforts of all were appreciated, particularly those Brothers who cancelled other engagements to attend our function.

From information presented during the Announcements portion of the evening, there are some things to watch for:

- The 15th District held its Education Meeting at Oliver, with a focus on The Order of the Rusty Nail.  Those familiar recognize it as a reminder for those of us who tend to forget things.  Vital for counteracting the effects of Global Warming?  Hardly.  But it is of significance for the members of a Lodge.

- The 15th District web sites which use WordPress as its foundation are no longer in operation.  The District President has reported this to the District Webmaster.  As the District made use of it to share dates of important events, they have had to make adjustments.  Emails from and notices posted on GrandView are the most efficient substitutes at the moment.  Grand Lodge has long been promoting use of this service to manage your member profile and access Grand Lodge information.  If you don't already have an account set up, there is still time.  It is hard to describe the wealth of information available to those who have not seen it.

- The 15th District Golf Outing is still in the planning stages.  As soon as arrangements are settled, they will be available on GrandView.  (See above.)

- The 15th District Grand Master's Reception will be on June 7th.  Cost to attend will be $20 per person.

That catches us up for the moment.  Now it's time to set back and enjoy the spring showers which bring May flowers.  

See you at Lodge!

Friday, March 1, 2024

When things get busy ...

The real world answer to that is when things get busy, it is too easy to neglect some of the more routine things.  Not that we take them for granted, but we just don't multi-task as well as we'd like to pretend.  

That being said, there are tidings to report.

First concerns our EA Inspection.  Originally, it was scheduled for February 17 at Marysville.  It was to be the lead-off of a 3-Inspection day, but the real world got in the way.  We had a significant number officers unable to attend due to work, travel, and health situations.  In view of the circumstances, we were given permission to reschedule.  Our new date is Wednesday, April 17, 7:30pm, in La Rue.  We will still be performing the EA degree for the pleasure of our DDGM, Donald Broadwater.  Although a final menu it not yet available, it is anticipated that there will be a light meal that evening at 6:30pm.

Second, the tab for the 15th District Web Site, on the left side of this page, is no longer active.  Originally it held information on officers, events, and activities of the District, and was frequently consulted for reference.  Clicking on the link now takes you to a web page stating the site "has been parked".  Not sure what technical meaning that has, but a rough English translation might be "this doesn't work any more." 

Without that resource, the remaining information we have concerns the 15th District Grand Master's Reception.  It will be held on Friday, June 7th, location to be announced.

As we are able, we will provide updates.

See you at Lodge!