If it is, you need to schedule an appointment with an audiologist. Or change your radio station.
Yes, we've begun a new year, full of hopes, dreams, and other wonderful things. But unlike Christmas, we can't just rip through the wrapping paper to see how the story ends. That's just as well, because otherwise we'd miss the joy of unwrapping each day as it comes.
If that was a little too philosophical for you, we have some firm details to share. Hold on to your hats!
First, for all those bemoaning the current weather, shame on you. Admit it - during all those humid scorching days last summer, this is what you were praying for. Rejoice and be glad in it, or something like that. The truth is that regardless of the weather, there are things to attend to, chores to complete, and life functions to fulfill.
Second, we have now officially entered the Masonic “busy season”. As this is being typed, the JC Musser Work Day is being held, providing instruction and encouragement to the newly elected WMs. This isn't just to prepare for Inspections, but also to become familiar with others in leadership positions, upon whom they can depend. Much like insurance, that is never fully appreciated until needed.
Third, borrowing from the general topic of Inspections, we have some tidings. As noted earlier, our FC Inspection is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 7:30pm. Yes, this is a regular meeting night. For 2022 a District decision was made that only MM Inspections would occur during Saturday Special Meetings. All others would be held on a regular meeting night. This is bound to generate some questions:
Are we allowed to do this? Yes.
Have we ever done this before? None of us remember.
Why haven't we done this before? No one knows.
Is there a limit on who can attend? Yes. Only FC or MM may attend. Also, due to fire regulations, occupancy of the meeting room is limited to 45 people, not 45 “guests”. Our Lodge members count toward that total, as do the numerous District officers who will undoubtedly attend: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, DDGMs, DEOs, PDDGMs, PDEOs, District Advisors past and present, etc.
Will there still be a dinner prior to the meeting? No. Our new location does not have the facilities required to host dinners. Instead we are making light snacks available prior to the meeting. For those desiring a more traditional meal, we highly recommend Coonie's, which is just up the street.
Fourth, expanding on the topic of Inspections, we are obviously not the only Inspection on the schedule. A quick look at the 15th District web site, available through the link on the left side of this page, provides all the information we have at this time.
What does that include? The entire 15th District Inspection schedule is available under the tab “Inspection Schedule”. Under “District Events Calendar” are a list of important dates coming up.
What does that not include? There are two omissions that we've noticed, one larger than the other.
The first is the lack of officers in the 15th District. (See contents under the tab “District Officers”.) Since we know most of the office holders pretty well, this strikes us as unusual. Possibly they are attempting to avoid being hounded by autograph seekers? Or maybe they are waiting for a big reveal like on TV game shows? Only time will tell.
The second omission is noticeable under the tab “Lodge Directory”. You will note there are 2 Lodges listed under Marion County, but that ours is not one of them. Although we hold a valid Dispensation and Grand Lodge Charter issued in 1872, it has been suggested that other circumstances impacted this. We are attempting to determine if we have been traded to another District, waived to free up salary cap space, or under the dreaded Double Secret Probation.
That's summarizes what we are looking at for the present. As additional information becomes available we will post it. Till the next time,
See you in Lodge!