Spring finally sprung, and is giving way to the warmth of summer. Fields are drying, permitting farmers a chance to till and plant, and our thoughts turn from treading water to backyard cookouts. This week we did see one neighbor driving his tractor-mounted snow blower, but suspect he wasn’t listening to a local forecast.
Our last meeting before summer break featured several enjoyable aspects. The evening started with a fabulous meal prepared by our Senior Deacon, Dave Allman. It was more delicious than words can describe. Our meeting featured presentation of Masonic Service Awards to WB Larry Knapp (50+ years, right photo) and B. Terry Hafer (40+ years, left photo). Photos included with this post portray our WM Milton Lightfoot with these distinguished Brothers. B. Dan Hicks (40+ years) was also scheduled to receive an award but was unable to attend.
We moved on to a two-pronged Masonic Minute by our LEO, Rick Sigrist. The first portion was one of the Grand Lodge mandated Education Programs, the Two Wolves Parable (http://www.freemason.com/images/leo/two-wolves-parable.pdf). The second portion was a walk down memory lane for our award recipients. WB Rick presented minutes for the meetings at which each was raised to be a Master Mason. For Larry this was June 14, 1961, for Terry it was February 2, 1971, and for Dan it was March 17, 1971. Stories and recollections followed, which continued well into the social hour in the dining room.
Although we are “done” for a while, we have many calendar items for your consideration. Pull out your date book and mark it accordingly:
June 12, 2011. Ohio Masonic Home Day.
June 24-26, 2011. Ohio Special Olympics – State Summer Games. At the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Venue to be announced: http://www.sooh.org/events.php
July 4, 2010. Independence Day. Celebrate the birth of our country. Attend a parade, watch some fireworks, host a cookout, or just relax under the shade of your favorite tree. Whatever your chosen activity, take a moment to honor the sacrifices of those who have gone before us. You'll be glad you did.
September 7, 2011. First Stated Meeting after the summer break. FC degree is tentatively planned.
September 10, 2011. Annual Meeting, at Mt. Gilead #206 @ 9am.
September 11, 2011. 15th District Awards Dinner, hosted by Oliver #447 at the Plaza Inn @ 6pm: http://www.plazainn.net/
October 5, 2011. Stated Meeting. MM degree is tentatively planned.
October 14 & 15, 2011. Grand Lodge Annual Communication, held in Cleveland, Ohio.
November 12, 2011. 15th District Secretary’s Meeting, held at East Liberty #247 @ 9am.
December 3, 1022. Past Master’s Convocation, held at Bellefontaine #209 @ 9am.
Until our next post, enjoy summer. It is a time to appreciate the flowers springing up everywhere, and an invitation to get out and get active again.
See you in the fall!
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