Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Last week several of our members attended the Rollout Program of the Deputy Grand Master, RWB Douglas N. Kaylor, the Lima edition.  It was an enjoyable evening, and well attended by Brethren from the 10th and 15th Districts.  There were many items that would be of interest, but we will focus on two.  Together they seem to provide the rails guiding the train that is Grand Lodge: 

The 300th Anniversary of Modern Freemasonry
The 2016 Grand Lodge long-range plan.

The 300th Anniversary of Modern Freemasonry features many activities, both nationally and internationally.  The focus in Ohio will be on District-based events on June 24, 2017.  There is more, of course, but it promises to be a special year.

The 2016 Grand Lodge long range plan is a report available on the Grand Lodge web site.  At 16 pages it is too long to reproduce here, but identifies the following Strategic Priorities: 

To Govern the Craft 
To Tell the Story of Freemasonry 
To Promote the Prosperity of our Lodges 
To promote the happiness and welfare of the Craft 

RWB Kaylor had many things to say on this topic.  The most important aspect was hearing the plan is supported by the entire line of Grand Lodge officers.  Ask anyone who has been in a conversation about where to eat and you will appreciate how remarkable this is.  As activities increase leading up the Grand Lodge Communication in October, we expect to hear more on how both of these will impact our specific situation

In other news, our Lodge is now in the pool business.  To be more specific, La Rue Lodge is sponsoring a free day at the Village pool on Sunday, August 21.  The pool will be FREE for members and non-members, and snacks will be provided, also for free.  Lindsey, the pool manager, helped choose the date, which is the last day before classes start in the Elgin district.  Lindsey also informed us the La Rue Lions Club would also have their funnel cake trailer, for a fee.  For many years we have contributed to the La Rue Youth Athletic Association, but this allows us to broaden donations to benefit the youth of our community.

Below is our anticipated schedule for the balance of 2016, and what is known for 2017.  Adjustments will be made as necessary, so check back often.

September 5, 2016             Labor Day.  Although fun, this isn’t just a day for cookouts.  It is a day to celebrate those who made our country, and continue to do the heavy lifting necessary to keep it great.

September 7, 2016             Stated Meeting.  MM practice.

September 8-10, 2016       Marion Popcorn Festival

September 10, 2016           15th District Annual Meeting, Indian Lake #722, at 9am.

September 11, 2016           15th District Awards Dinner, Plaza Inn, Mt. Victory, at 6pm.

September 21, 2016.          Stated Meeting.  MM degree.

October 10, 2016                Columbus Day.  Celebrate Christoforo Columbo, who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492”, and for years was identified as the person who discovered America.  History buffs generally recognize the land was named for Amerigo Vespucci, who apparently had a better PR Manager.  Both had better PR men than Leif Eriksson, credited with landing here 500+ years earlier than either of them.

October 14-15, 2016           Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, held at the Kalahari Resort, Sandusky, Ohio.

November 2, 2016.             Stated Meeting.  Annual Election of Officers.

November 8, 2016.             Election Day.  Take the time to exercise the privilege secured for you by our ancestors.  Your vote does make a difference!

November 11, 2016            Veterans Day.  Originally called Armistice Day, it signified the end of WW1.  Renamed in 1954, it now celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. 

November 12, 2016            15th District Fall Education Meeting, 9am at Boggs #202.

November 24, 2016            Thanksgiving

December 3, 2016              15th District Past Masters Convocation, 9am, held at Chester #238.

December 25, 2016            Christmas. 

December 31, 2016            New Year’s Eve.  Be sure to pick a designated driver!

January 1, 2017                  New Year’s Day. 

March 25, 2017                    Grand Master’s One Day Class

June 24, 2017                      300th Anniversary of Modern Freemasonry
                                                Details will follow as announced

That’s what we know for now.  See you at Lodge!


January 1, 2017