Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wow! Did we ever have a busy evening at our last meeting! Here is a summary of the highlights.

- Our most recent petition received a favorable vote. Performance of the EA degree is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th, at 7:30pm.

- We had two Masonic Minute presentations.
1) WB Wamack reported on his recent FC inspection, and thanked the Lodge for the practice time during a recent meeting.

2) WB Sigrist gave a presentation on the Grand Lodge Dispensation granted to hold the FC degree at Ohio Village Lodge on March 15, 1984. Recollections of that evening were shared by those in attendance. Our candidate that night is also scheduled to receive his 25-year pin at our first meeting in June (see below).

RWB Spracklen gave a report on our transition to dimmable CFB bulbs in the Lodge room. Roughly half of the bulbs have already been replaced, with the remaining bulbs on back-order. During a demonstration they dim as well or better than incandescent bulbs. Although the take a few minutes to achieve full brightness when switched on, they provide sufficient light.

Here are some important dates to remember:

June 3, 2009. Past Masters recognition, and special Masonic Education program. The evening will start with pizza at 6:30pm. Past Masters will be recognized, and a 25-year pin presentation is on the schedule. Following, RWB Ned Goff, DDGM, will be presenting a special Lodge Education Report and Program for our membership. He promises a fun evening, so be sure to attend.

June 13, 2009. Grand Master's One Day Class. This will be held at the Richwood Masonic Center. Registration at 6:30am, program starting at 8am. Lunch will be pizza, with the program concluding by 2:45pm.

June 14, 2009. Ohio Masonic Home Day in Springfield.

June 26, 2009. Special Olympics Opening Ceremony.

June 28, 2009. OES Cornerstone Laying, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

August 12, 2009. Deputy Grand Master's Rollout Program, to be held at Latham Lodge #154, Kenton, Ohio, at 7pm.

October 16-17, 2009.
200th Grand Lodge Communication, Toledo, Ohio.

Birthdays for May:

5-4 Robert Lee
5-27 Steve Sigrist

Masonic Anniversaries:

5-7-52 O.M. Roux
5-23-63 LeRoy Harder
5-20-64 Wayne Schaber
5-20-65 Richard Hoover
5-17-67 Michael Dutton
5-20-70 Pearl Gamble
5-20-70 Rollie McElheny
5-3-72 Stanley Foos
5-15-74 Milton Lightfoot
5-18-78 Jeff Winslow
5-1-85 Rod Lightfoot

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