To the left is a photo of our Worshipful Master, Milton Lightfoot, welcoming our two newest members. On the left is Josh Zachman, who finished his degree work at the 15th District One-Day Class in May. On the right is Tim Stapleton, who experienced the MM degree on June 2nd. The only thing warmer than the temperature that night was the fellowship experienced. We are also pleased to report that on that night we experienced the third best member attendance of the year, behind only Inspection and the Masonic Service Award Ceremony. Our appreciation is also extended to all those who assisted with the degree experience.
Even though we won't be having meetings until September, there are activities that deserve our attention. The full list is contained in the calendar listings from earlier posts. Of these, two are coming up shortly. The Deputy Grand Master is presenting his program for the coming year through a series of presentations. The first is in Findlay on June 15th, and is described below. The Special Olympics takes place at The Ohio State University on June 25-27.
As we ease through the humidity of summer, enjoy the break. And we'll see you in the fall!