Friday, February 14, 2025

Time flies! And other thoughts

It seems like just yesterday that we were typing about the new slate of officers, important dates on the Masonic calendar, and other trivia.  Since then, there have been so many changes that we don't know where to begin.  

"Inspection Season" swung into action, but has already experienced some hiccups.  There have been too many schedule and procedural adjustments to track.  At times in the real world, schedules do need adjusted.  Despite the harrumphing of Past Masters on the sidelines, there are additional adjustments that deviate from established custom.  (English translation: How we used to do things.)  

To keep up with the changes we highly recommend two things.  First, regularly checking the 15th District web site, noted on the left margin.  The officers of the 15th District go to great lengths to update the information and report any changes.  Second, check your Grand View account for messages and updates.  Each change is listed there under the FEED tab.

The change least talked about is the Inspection meals.  In olden times they were prepared and served by a ladies group, most commonly from the local O.E.S. Chapter.  The menu would invariably be baked steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans (apparently the official Masonic vegetable), and pie.  Trust us, those were good eats, and no one went home hungry.  Now it is much more common to have soup and sandwich, a pasta bar, deli sandwiches, or even (gasp!) no meal at all.  A bad thing?  Nope.  Just a reflection of the changing times and changing preferences of membership.

In preparation for our FC Inspection on April 2, 2025, we have been "putting in the work", but experiencing our own hiccups.  While we feel assured that all will be ready when the time comes, it is yet to be determined whether we will have a full-blown dinner or light snacks.  There is plenty of time to work that out, and we promise to share the details as soon as they are known.

One additional date to mark on your calendar is June 13, 2025.  That will be the Grand Master's Reception for the 15th Masonic District.  Details aren't available yet, but will be posted after they are revealed.

 That's all we have for now.  Till next time, 

                                           See you in Lodge!



Friday, November 22, 2024

Do you hear what I hear?

Where has the time gone?  We don't know either.  It seems like just last week we had our first meeting after the summer break.  In the blink of an eye we considered the arrival of the Great Pumpkin, our Annual Meeting, and election of officers, all of which are now in the rear view mirror.  So, what are we looking forward to?  Glad you asked!

At our next meeting, December 4th, we will be celebrating milestones in Masonic journeys.  Masonic Service Awards will be presented for members observing 25, 30, 40, and 50-years with our fraternity.  The evening will start with a dinner at 6:30pm, crafted by our own RWB Markley.  The meeting will open at 7:30, immediately going to Refreshment for the presentations.  That way spouses and other family members can be present for the festivities.  

During our Annual Meeting we elected a full slate of officers.  They will be Installed at our regular meeting on December 18th.  We are excited for the opportunity to elevate those who have participated and taken an interest in our fraternity.  This will be a "Closed" installation, open only to members.

There is a meeting-related situation that will arrive with 2025.  We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, and a close observer will noted that the first meeting in January should be on the 1st.  The operative word is "should".  Article II of our By-Laws reads in part: "When a stated meeting falls on a legal holiday, it may be held on the following Wednesday".  So, if you show up for a meeting on January 1st, make sure to bring a friend to keep you company. 

In preparation for our FC Inspection on April 2, 2025, we have been "putting in the work".  Getting everyone familiar with their unique participation opportunities has occupied much of our meeting time.  We feel assured that all will be ready when the time comes.  It is yet to be determined whether we will have a full-blown dinner or light snacks, but there is plenty of time to work that out.

One additional date to mark on your calendar is June 13, 2025.  That will be the Grand Master's Reception for the 15th Masonic District.  Details aren't available yet, but will be posted after they are revealed.

In the mean time, there are a number of major, and minor, holidays on the horizon.  Among them:

- Thanksgiving: A day for giving thanks for the many blessings we have.  In some jurisdictions this also means large gatherings focused on food and football.

- Christmas: A day that brings out the kid in all of us.  

- New Year's Eve: A day frequently associated with gatherings even wilder than the office Christmas party.  It is also a day to fondly remember favorite experiences of 2024, and say a final goodby to those less than favorite experiences.

- New Year's Day:  A day of new beginnings, and a chance to start with a relatively clean slate.  In some jurisdictions this also means sleeping in, being propped in front a TV watching football, munching on cold (and stale) h'orderves.


No matter the holiday or occasion, take time to enjoy your journey, the company of others, and those manifold blessings that constantly surround us.

That's all we can think of for now.  Till the next time, 

See you in Lodge!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Notes from the quarry

With the arrival of autumn, and September drawing to a close, we have tidings to share.  Some are routine, some aren't, and a couple absolutely amaze us.

As every member knows, this time of year Masonic organizations send reminders about dues.  That can be a little overwhelming, depending on how many memberships are involved. It also leads to mental fatigue, as one loses track of which ones have already been paid.  The Grand Secretary's office alerted us to an unusual "fly in the ointment", whatever that is.  For reasons unknown, Grand Lodge has been experiencing delivery issues for email addresses that end with "".  Techies will recognize that represents a Spectrum email account.  For some reason, their firewall doesn't let emails generated from Grand Lodge to be sent to the recipient.  This is not intended to bad-mouth Spectrum, as their firewall is doing what it is designed to do: protect their customers.  However, it does reinforce the need to check one's Grand View account frequently.  That will keep you up to date on communications from the Lodge, District, and Grand Lodge.

Speaking of Grand View, a new version of it will be "live" soon.  It has been in beta testing for a while, but version 2.0 is expected to be implemented within the next month.  Will it look the same?  No.  Will it do the same things it used to?  Yes, and more.  Having been part of the beta test group, rest assured that the learning curve is minimal.  You might even find topics and information that previously were unavailable.

Frequent readers may recall that the 15th District web presence has had significant issues.  Those date back over a year, and have been the topic of many conversations.  Confounding the situation was loss of the domain name.  Our District President stepped up and took on this project.  Due to his efforts, it has been recreated under a different domain name.  Don't worry about being confused by the jargon.  Just click on the link on the left and you will see the results of his efforts.  Yes, it is a work in progress, but what amazing progress!

The last bit of news to share is about our 2024-25 FC Inspection.  Our date is Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 7:30pm, which is a regular meeting night.  It will be held in La Rue, but additional specific details (dinner, Inspecting Officer, etc.) aren't available at this time.   

That brings us up to date for now.  Check back often, as we never know when additional information might come our way.

See you in Lodge!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Is summer over already?



As summer draws to a close, there are many things to share.

- Our first meeting of the fall will be next Wednesday, September 4th.  At 6:30pm we will be having a pizza dinner to fortify ourselves for the meeting.

- The 15th District Annual Meeting is on Saturday, September 14th, 9am, at East Liberty Lodge.  Among other things, Inspection dates will be decided.

 - The 15th District Awards Banquet is on Sunday, September 15th, 6pm, at The Plaza Inn, Mt. Victory.  Cost to attend is $20 per person, with a final count provided to RWB Larry Lance, District Treasurer, by September 8th.

 - Registration reminder for the October Grand Lodge Annual Communication.  All event information is available at

 - Upcoming District Meetings:

            Annual Meeting  9-14-24 at East Liberty at 9 am 
Past Masters Convocation 12-7-24 at Bellefontaine at 9 am 
JC Musser Work Day 1-4-25 at Chester (Chesterville) at 9 am
Spring Education Meeting 5-3-25 at East Liberty at 9 am
Annual Meeting 2025 9-13-25 at Boggs Lodge at 9 am 
Past Master 2025 12-6-25 at Chester (Chesterville) 9am


See you in Lodge!


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This is what has kept us busy. What are YOU up to?


With Inspection season finally over (yes, it seems to take years to squeeze in 11 Inspections), and our Open House in the rear view mirror, we are turning our attention to other activities.

First is a reminder of the calendar as we currently know it:


May 27th - Memorial Day.  Yes, it is a holiday, but a somber one.  It is an opportunity for us to honor those who gave their lives for our country.

June 7 is the 15th District Grand Master's Reception Picnic at Bellefontaine #209, Bellefontaine, Ohio.  Transitioning from the informal picnics of recent years, this is a suit-and-tie affair.  Regardless, it is a great opportunity to interact with Grand Lodge Officers, getting to know the person, not just the title.

July 4th - Independence Day.  This commemorates the passing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.  Parades, fireworks, cookouts, and draping everything in red, white, and blue is how we think of it now.  In 1776, it was a day that changed the world. 

September 2nd - Labor Day.  Becoming a federal holiday in 1894, Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of the American worker.  Those who do the heavy lifting to keep things working deserve, and have earned, this recognition. 

September 4 @ 7:30pm is our first meeting of the fall. 

September 14 @ 9am will be the 15th District Annual Meeting at East Liberty #247.  Among other things discussed will be finalization of the 2025 Inspection schedule.  Will there be doughnuts?  Possibly.  Will it be exciting?  Depends on your definition of exciting. 

September 15th @ 6pm will be the 15th District Awards Dinner.  It will be held at The Plaza Inn, Mt. Victory, Ohio.  Even if your Lodge didn't win something (after all, this isn't youth soccer), the food and fellowship are enough to justify attending.

November 11th - Veterans Day.  This a day to express gratitude to America's service members, past and present, who served in both war and peace. 

November 24 - Thanksgiving Day.  Observed in North America, this is meant to celebrate the harvest season, as well as the other blessing of the year.  Yes, that means there is more to the holiday than turkey and football.

December 7 @ 9am will be the 15th District Past Master's Convocation, to be held at Bellefontaine #209.


The last topic is one that pops up every spring - What do we do during summer?  That answer is much longer than the question might indicate.

Lodges traditionally "go dark" (don't meet) during the months of July and August.  In our particular location, with a largely agrarian populous, June also poses challenges.  For years we have not had sufficient attendance in June to conduct business.  It is clear that our necessary vocations are not to be neglected, and just as clear that we are not permitted to "cancel" meetings.  Where does that leave us?  Call before you come, unless you are bringing lots of friends.


That summarizes what we are looking at for the present.  As additional information becomes available we will post it.  Till next time, 

See you in Lodge!


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

We passed!

That is the best news that can come following a District Inspection.  And like every other headline, there is a story behind it.

Originally scheduled for mid-February, our DDGM, RWB Don Broadwater, permitted us to reschedule due to several factors.  Chief among them was absence of officers for that particular date.  Prior travel commitments were one factor, and unforeseen medical issues among our officers were another.  Thankfully for us, we were allowed to postpone until mid-April.  Sadly, as that date neared RWB Broadwater experienced significant health issues of his own, and was unable to preside over Inspection.  RWB Scott Zwiezinski came to the rescue, allowing the evening to proceed.

The evening began with a light meal, prepared by RWB Greg Markley.  We adjourned to the meeting room, with 20 members in attendance.  Of those, one was a 50-year member, one was a 60-year member, and both were from La Rue Lodge.  With only routine hiccups (i.e., one member choking on candy) the balance of the evening went smoothly.  The efforts of all were appreciated, particularly those Brothers who cancelled other engagements to attend our function.

From information presented during the Announcements portion of the evening, there are some things to watch for:

- The 15th District held its Education Meeting at Oliver, with a focus on The Order of the Rusty Nail.  Those familiar recognize it as a reminder for those of us who tend to forget things.  Vital for counteracting the effects of Global Warming?  Hardly.  But it is of significance for the members of a Lodge.

- The 15th District web sites which use WordPress as its foundation are no longer in operation.  The District President has reported this to the District Webmaster.  As the District made use of it to share dates of important events, they have had to make adjustments.  Emails from and notices posted on GrandView are the most efficient substitutes at the moment.  Grand Lodge has long been promoting use of this service to manage your member profile and access Grand Lodge information.  If you don't already have an account set up, there is still time.  It is hard to describe the wealth of information available to those who have not seen it.

- The 15th District Golf Outing is still in the planning stages.  As soon as arrangements are settled, they will be available on GrandView.  (See above.)

- The 15th District Grand Master's Reception will be on June 7th.  Cost to attend will be $20 per person.

That catches us up for the moment.  Now it's time to set back and enjoy the spring showers which bring May flowers.  

See you at Lodge!